The Management Council of Club Rainbow comprises entirely volunteers who do not receive payment for their services to the charity. They are a diverse group of professionals with a wealth of industry experience within their specialised domains and each competently fulfilling their roles and responsibilities in the areas of paediatrics, education, business strategy, marketing and fundraising, investment, accounting, and compliance.
The Council maintains diversity in terms of a good mix of skills, knowledge, and experience to ensure effective leadership and guidance in the best interest of the charity. All members will be assessed using a skills and evaluation matrix during the two-year term of office, and shall on completion of their term be eligible for re-nomination and re-appointment. For Honorary Treasurer and Assistant Honorary Treasurer, there will be a maximum term limit of four consecutive years. Council members who have served more than 10 consecutive years with Club Rainbow are retained for knowledge continuity reasons as well as for their valuable expertise.
The Nominating Committee assists in Council renewal and succession planning strategy and nomination and appointment of members. A stringent selection and recruitment process are put in place to assess prospective members based on their industry experience, skill sets, motivation, and interest to be compatible with Council and work as a cohesive group that can actively engage in all aspects of Club Rainbow’s strategy and operations. Upon appointment, new members must attend appropriate induction to ensure they are familiar with Charity’s work and governance practices. This includes an orientation programme which also provides them with a good overview of the organisation’s programmes and services, and their social impact on the community.
Council members are encouraged to attend relevant training to develop core skills and competencies relating to their responsibilities as Council members and keep abreast of evolving laws and regulations.
The Council meets regularly to steer the charity. Individual Council members are in regular contact with the full-time staff at Club Rainbow, while no staff serves as members of the Council. Through this, they maintain a dynamic hands-on approach in the day-to-day running of the charity. Council members also interact regularly with our Rainbow Children and their families to ensure that they remain aware of their evolving needs.
The following members of the Council were officially appointed at Club Rainbow’s Annual General Meeting held on 26 May 2023.
Dr SashiKumar Ganapathy, President
Chairman at all general and Council meetings, and represent Club Rainbow in its dealings with outside persons.
Sashi is a Council member since 2012 and serving as President since April 2015.
Occupation: Paediatrician
Why he volunteers: I first got involved with Club Rainbow as a medical volunteer in Camp Rainbow 2008, and this first contact opened up my mind to seeing how much more I could be doing outside my daily job as a doctor. Being part of Club Rainbow has given me this unique opportunity to work with so many other kids and families and to do my bit for the society.
Allen Zheng, Vice-President
Assist the President and deputise for him in his absence
Allen is a Council member since 2015 and serving as Vice-President since May 2021.
Occupation: Chief Compliance Officer and Counsel
Why he volunteers: I am a strong believer that volunteering is a responsibility that everyone should exercise to give back and strengthen our community. Supporting children and youths have always been a passionate cause close to my heart. Joining Club Rainbow and forming new friendships with the children and families, seeing their smiles, love and affection is very rewarding and inspiring.
Ramanan Ramadoss, Honorary Secretary
Perform all duties of the Honorary Treasurer in the absence of the Honorary Treasurer
Ramanan has been a Council member since 2007 and has served as Honorary Secretary since November 2024.
Occupation: Chief Executive Officer
Why he volunteers: I started with Club Rainbow in 2000 as a volunteer with Camp Sunshine and I have been here ever since. I have been working with kids for as long as I can remember but nothing beats working with Club Rainbow’s kids. They are a source of strength and an inspiration to me and I know that along the way I will learn a thing or two from them.
Lim Huay Ling, Honorary Treasurer
Maintains records, except financial, of the Council and ensure effective management of Club Rainbow’s non-financial records.
Huay Ling is a Council member since 2009 and was appointed as Honorary Treasurer in May 2023
Occupation: Finance Manager
Why she volunteers: I believe that it is important to be able to give and contribute as much as possible to the society. I share the same mission and vision with Club Rainbow and feel honoured to be bringing happy smiles and joy to the children and their families who are fighting courageously.
Wong Qin Lei, Assistant Honorary Treasurer
Oversee organisation of medically supervised activities, events and programmes for Club Rainbow children
Qin Lei is a Council member since 2019 and was appointed as Honorary Treasurer in May 2023
Occupation: Zonal Director, My First Skool
Why she volunteers: Elderly created the future of today and children are today’s future. I volunteer because I want to give back to those who have given for a better today and provide support to those who could have a better tomorrow.
My first contact with Club Rainbow started with my participation as a rider at Ride for Rainbows 2016, where I learned more about the meaningful impact of the work for the children. This resonated with my personal belief that every child, from every background, deserves the opportunity to develop their potential. Being part of Club Rainbow allows me to do something more for the society.
Karen Tan, Fundraising & Marketing Director
Oversee fund-raising and/or sponsorship activities of Club Rainbow
Karen is a Council member since 1998 and serving as Fundraising & Marketing Director since May 2018.
Occupation: Managing Director
Why she volunteers: I have two healthy and happy daughters and can appreciate the good fortune of being blessed with healthy children. It was my personal vision to contribute to children in the community. I volunteered for Club Rainbow by chance in 1999 for an adhoc project. The experience I had was so humbling and satisfying that I decided to be a member of council to contribute more.
As I watch Club Rainbow children and their families courageously face up to the challenges of their ailments, resolutely staying strong and firm in overcoming their adversity, they are my inspiration and encouragement. I learn not take things for granted in life and to count my blessings every day. As long as I can contribute in any way, I want to support these children to have a better tomorrow.
Dr Aswin Warier, Medical Director
Manage database of Club Rainbow children and their families who may be able to participate and benefit from Club Rainbow’s activities, and oversee provision of professional and/or volunteer counselling/assistance to the children and their families.
Aswin is a Council member since 2019 and serving as Medical Director since May 2019.
Occupation: Senior Resident Physician
Why he volunteers: From being a doctor working with children to Club Rainbow came as a natural sequence. The work done by Club Rainbow is awesome and inspiring. I hope to be a part of the good work.
Dr Junaidah Badron, Medical Director
Manage database of Club Rainbow children and their families who may be able to participate and benefit from Club Rainbow’s activities, and oversee provision of professional and/or volunteer counselling/assistance to the children and their families
Junaidah is a Council member since 2015 and serving as Medical Director since April 2015.
Occupation: Doctor
Why she volunteers: Volunteering with Club Rainbow allows me to work with children beyond the confines of a hospital. Through activities such as Camp Rainbow, I am able to interact with these children and to a lesser extent their families as well.
Jean Ang, Member
Ensure effective management of Club Rainbow’s funds and financial records.
Jean is a Council member since 2019
Occupation: Managing Director
Why she volunteers: I am a believer in giving back and helping out in the community and the world. If you could do something to help the world around you, why wouldn't you? I am honored to take up this role and I hope I can contribute to Club Rainbow's mission to help improve the lives of suffering children and their families.
Eric Teo, Member
Eric is a Council member since 1996.
Occupation: Chief Operating Officer
Why he volunteers: It is a blessing to be able to help those in need. Having volunteered at Club Rainbow since 1996, I have seen the positive impact of our collective effort on many of our children and families. The camaraderie among fellow volunteers and staff, as well as the smile on a child’s face, keeps me going. After all, somebody once said, “A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child".
Melvin Tan, Member
Melvin is a Council member since 2019.
Occupation: Chief Communications Officer
Why he volunteers: I have been inspired by all the good work that Club Rainbow has done over the years, and consider it a privilege to be able to volunteer in this meaningful and purposeful manner. Club Rainbow’s children and their families fight to overcome many challenges every day, and being able to walk with them through the many activities and engagement programmes - to help them overcome some of these difficulties have been most rewarding.