
BTS: Charity Merchandise 2021

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Last month, we presented the newest addition to our range of merchandise.

A Back-to-Work Kit to reciprocate the unwavering support from the community, we put together a number of items to compliment professionals’ flexible work arrangements.

A few pairs of children from the Visual Arts programme, age ranging from as young as 5 to 14 years old were brought together to support this year’s merchandise.

Working on the theme – Collaboration, each pair of children came up with a different view of how collaboration and teamwork meant to them.

“The moment mummy told us about the theme, Ridhwan associate happiness with food. We just get the idea on fast food. The only problem is both of us wants to draw the same thing and could not agree on the color, who to draw what, and whose handwriting is nicer.” - Nurin Insyirah Binte Masli

We invited the children to share their experience of teamwork through the art pieces which they have worked on together. Speaking with the artists, most of them expressed the difficulty they felt of working with another individual even though the other party was a sibling.

“I initially felt confused as to how our ideas would look like and how our ideas being combined would look like as the end product.” - Mass Amirah Binte Amir Matchap

There were discussions of deciding how to bring the theme to paper and colour, whose handwriting is better and right down to details such as colours to use. A challenge that professionals are all too familiar with where teamwork means every member plays an important role in achieving a goal and collaboration sees everyone working together in sync to complete a project.

Almost like second nature, the children manoeuvre to accept and adapt to the differences between them. They were able to identify individual strengths and to compromise. At the end of the project, they expressed satisfaction and happiness with the outcome of the amazing art pieces.

Watch videos of the different pair of children working together:

Behind-the-scenes - Amirah and Sage

Behind-the-scenes - Jonas and Titus


Behind-the-scenes - Ridhwan and Nurin


Amongst the artworks by the different pairs of children, the artwork by the siblings – Muhammad Ridhwan Bin Masli and Nurin Insyirah Binte Masli was selected to be featured on our Back to Work Kit.

All art pieces by our artists can be adapted to the range of merchandise that we carry. To invite our little artists to be supporting partners of your outreach efforts, please do write to