Serving our nation, Our Home, Our Singapore

A Club Rainbow Singapore beneficiary shares with us his passion for serving National Service despite his chronic condition.

By Eugene Koh, Content Contributor

Eighteen is the age where every teen boy in Singapore receives a letter that changes his life for two whole years – his letter of enlistment for National Service.

NS is mandatory conscription and duty that every male citizen and PR in Singapore must undertake upon reaching 18 and can be served in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) or Singapore Police Force (SPF).

Forming the bedrock of Singapore's defence and security since independence. National servicemen form the backbone of these three uniformed Services that keep Singapore safe and secure. It is pivotal to maintaining our sovereignty.

For many, NS is a defining experience that bonds servicemen from different backgrounds and across generations.

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This is no different for Mohamed Sayed Sameer Bin Abdul Kadir, a Cyber and Network Security student with ITE who turns 19 this year. Soon, he will be foraying into a new juncture of his life as a Full-time National Servicemen (NSF).

A CRS beneficiary since 2003, Sameer has had a renal disorder at birth. Despite his condition, he refuses to let his condition define him, "I could still do sports like most kids my age. I don't want to be treated differently compared to guys without the condition." says Sameer. Like any other teenager, he enjoys playing football and video games with his friends after school.

As his NS looms around the corner, Sameer is looking forward to serving and is excited to see what his NS Journey holds ahead for him. From regimentation to arms practice, Sameer is unfazed by the challenges ahead and views NS with an open mind. "I heard from friends that NS is very tiring and very tough for them, but they have also made a lot of new friends from it."

"I am looking forward to that," says Sameer.

When asked which part of the defence force he hopes to be part of, Sameer proudly shares his childhood dreams of becoming a police officer and hopes to accomplish that within his two years serving NS.

 "I won't be too disappointed if I didn't become part of the SPF either. I feel like the Army is cool as well, living out of his comfort zone during outfields. It is an eye-opening experience, living in remote jungles and terrains." says Sameer.  

Overall, Sameer feels that NS forms an integral part of Singapore's defence system. On a more personal level, he mentioned how it also helps build resilience, teamwork, discipline and maturity.

"Journeying with fellow NS mates through thick and thin, the camaraderie and brotherhood formed is something you'd only find during NS.," says Sameer.

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A social butterfly at heart, Eugene enjoys engaging with the people around him and building meaningful connections. He aspires to use his gift to engage and influence mass markets and make an impactful change in society.

When not mugging for his exams or fulfilling his National service duties, you can find him lurking around the pantry or queuing for bubble tea.